Winter Is Near!
Hey all...Shelby here, sorry it's been so long since our last update! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, we sure did :-) We have been super busy lately with work and the stress of buying our first home. Back in September we placed an offer on a short sale home (some people may not know what that is...its the step people go thru before their house goes in to foreclosure), and have been waiting ever since. It is a long, stressful process but we are at the end stretch. Our offer must be first approved by the owners (which it was), then everything goes to their lender for approval...this is the waiting period and this is what we are in right now. It all has been approved on our end, mortgage loans we just wait. Our realtor keeps us updated every week and we should be hearing something soon...then it will be time to close! (as long as everything goes smoothly on their end). Here is a pic of the house below...
Our Thanksgiving was amazing, we spent it with my family, ate lots of amazing food then went out for "Black Friday" shopping with my mom. Wal-Mart was not the smartest choice...I think we had more fun people watching then anything else, but we did get some great deals on 2 amazing TVs for our future home. What else has been going on in our world lately....a few weeks back we went to a Michigan State football game against Nebraska, now even though the end of the game was not what we had hoped for...we still had a blast and of course I will always be a Sparty fan!! Meag's team (South Carolina Gamecocks) have been on a roll this year so yay for that!
Even better news...winter is just around the corner and I could not be happier. There is nothing better then being able to snowboard whenever I want, and enjoying all of the gorgeous snow. Meag is in the process of buying a new snowboard, bindings, boots etc...she is bound and determined to learn this year and progress. A few weeks back Cannonsburg (my local resort) held a pre season rail jam....BIG things coming from them this season. I can not wait to be able to strap in this winter. Hopefully the temperatures continue to stay below freezing and the snow starts to fly...and stay!
Oh wait, even better news...Meag finally came out to the parents of the children she nanny's for and of course, this was not a surprise to them but they were so happy that she finally told them. We never know how people are going to be when we tell them, but we are coming to learn that a majority of the people do not care, and the others do not matter. We have an amazing support system and I am so extremely thankful for that.
We would like to give a HUGE congratulations to Whitney & Megan who recently got the news that Whitney's visa was approved and she is now a permanent resident of the UK!! We wish you girls all the best in your future and hope we can make plans to get together when you come to visit the States!
Follow their blog over at
For our next blog, we would like to do some Q & A' ask away everyone!!

Lovely post :-) xxx